Monday, June 30

This Is The Thing About High School . . .

It's kind of a clusterfuck. And if I'm not mistaken, by nature a clusterfuck is hard to define. But watching people try is better than TV. Trying on TV gets bonus points.

So here it is: People have been attempting to pin down high school for God knows how many years. But, shocking though it may seem to countless therapists, editors and filmmakers, it's probable no one will ever do it.

And therein lies the fascination--it can never be just one thing, and no matter how much you loathe it, or love it, or want to find the fountain of youth just to go back, or want to sleep for four years to miss it, it's always there, repeating itself in society. The world is made up of tiny high schools like stars, and it's not terrifying but terribly entertaining.

That's all it is: A collection of rejects and tries-too-harders, artists and artistes, and a media desperate to put it all into words.